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Final - Dot to Dot

costume research

Published by Reece under , on 14:07
starting with the characters who are chasing our main character, i am looking for the ideal code of dress. my image of these dark, mysterious, shady people would be a long black coat kind of look, to create an element of ghostly aura. Hard to explain exactly what I'm talking about, but i think it would be great to really capture that kind of character as hard as it would be. i think this kind of black and almost "invisible" kind of colour and formless clothes would give an untouchable feeling to the characters, make m seem like they have no history and don't communicate, they just hunt their target. It could also make them seem very intimidating and powerful. i looked at the matrix for inspiration for this, but didn't find what i was looking for. I then looked at Blade, a film my younger brother seems to obssess over. i remember watching one of them with him, and despite the film being appalling, i think the outfit blade wears might be what I'm looking for, despite the fact that the target audience for our film will be severely different, i would like to take the same kind of character for the enemy and put him into a different narrative. He looks extremely intimidating, and the image just gives a "don't mess about with me" kind of impression, an almost indestructible kind of target, and that would show what our protagonist is really up against. The outfit makes his shoulders look much more broad and adds to the intimidating effect he has. The quite original looking sun glasses make him look slightly mysterious and almost adds some sort of robot element to his persona. However, the practicality of getting our hands on a costume like this would be difficult, let alone getting hold of 2-3 of them, and therefore, we may need to improvise for this. i have a leather jacket we could use and i am sure we can get hold of some black trousers and sunglasses. the only problem is the part underneath the jacket. it would be nice to use something like that to make them stand out on the chest pads he wears are really distinct, which is something i relay like.

i have consulted alex on her thoughts about basing our chasing characters on Blade's outfit, and she agrees with what i have said. the only problem now is getting hold of the clothes in time for our Tuesday filming session, which could be a challenge.

Next is to find the main characters look. i have been looking at things i could take inspiration from various media i have seen in the past. i have looked at films with characters i think would give the correct effect. one thing in particular has stood out to me quite significantly. the inspiration actually came from a PlayStation 3 game i recently played, with a character who appears quite "roughed up", and quite desperate, quite clearly out of his depth but determined and still fighting on. The game i took this from is the Uncharted series, and a character named Nathan drake. my brother brought me the game for Christmas. the characters name is Nathan. i like the looked up look he has about him. The picture is some concept art of the character in the game. i would love to try and capture his characteristics in our character despite how hard this will be. think we could do this by giving our character torn up clothes, maybe some fake blood. a plain tee shirt with some dirt on it would work, because it would make him look like he had been surviving without luxuries of fresh clothes, washing etc. like he is on the very edge of his ability to avoid his families killers, whoever they are.


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