Final - Dot to Dot
Film Names
Published by Alex Farnell under Alex, Planning, Reece, Research on 10:54
This is the thought shower of names for our film
Film Names
As you can see we thought of many different names, and in the end we decided to call it Dot to Dot because the whole point in the film is the audience has to connect the dots to see what has happened.
Film Names
As you can see we thought of many different names, and in the end we decided to call it Dot to Dot because the whole point in the film is the audience has to connect the dots to see what has happened.
opening sequence filming and actors
Published by Reece under Alex, Filming, Reece on 10:47
The filming that we managed to get done on monday was brilliant in my opinion and went really well, even though we did have some disturbance at the church. I think the panning shot of emily walking into the church went really well, and i think using emily was a good decision as her height, being quite short, helped suggest that she was quite vunderable which worked really well. She does dramawhich gave us a bonus with her acting. We could have used more ideal clothes (lighter, clearer colours), however it still worked well in the end.
Adam's usual enthusiactic acting was brilliantly done, and we got some excellent shots of Adam leaving the church scene from a platform as emily cried, even though in adam's usual sense of humour, he decided to sing to will young on the way out, requiring another shot. despite this, the final shot was brilliant in my opinion, and the diejetic sound worked really well with adams footsteps and emily crying, other than that just scilence.
The over the shoulder shots we did with adam talking to emily and vice versa were at first quite hard to film, as Adam obcessivley moved forward throught the dialouge without warning. in the end we got the shots sorted however. I hope that these shots give us a slighty better enigma to the narrative, and if edited right, could have a real impact on the film. filming on friday however could be slightly more difficult because of the people out and about at the time of day.
Adam's usual enthusiactic acting was brilliantly done, and we got some excellent shots of Adam leaving the church scene from a platform as emily cried, even though in adam's usual sense of humour, he decided to sing to will young on the way out, requiring another shot. despite this, the final shot was brilliant in my opinion, and the diejetic sound worked really well with adams footsteps and emily crying, other than that just scilence.
The over the shoulder shots we did with adam talking to emily and vice versa were at first quite hard to film, as Adam obcessivley moved forward throught the dialouge without warning. in the end we got the shots sorted however. I hope that these shots give us a slighty better enigma to the narrative, and if edited right, could have a real impact on the film. filming on friday however could be slightly more difficult because of the people out and about at the time of day.
Draft Film
Published by Alex Farnell under Alex, Draft., Editing, Reece on 12:27this is our draft film, as you can see we have a lot to work on for we feel it's more like a trailer than a film opening. (look back at our feedback for more improvements)
targets and feedback
Published by Reece under Alex, Planning, Reece on 08:59
Mr smith and Mr Ford completely slated us about the running we had in our film, so that's the first thing that we need to change. despite the fact that the film is more or less orientated around running, which is quite confusing. we now need to get some more shots as this would add more pace, as pointed out by miss Sutton from the library, who also hated our project so far. were not totally sure about how we can cut down on running, but with more shots we could cover for this. another point made was that the montage is quite unclear and seems slightly unrelated to the narrative, and being so fast they are hard to make out. the same shots are also used repeatedly in the montages over and over again, which doesn't really seem to work and in my opinion makes t look more like a trailer than an opening. another point made on the feedback sheet was that we need to be more careful with mise en scene, i.e. get rid of the clown. i think maybe we need to be slightly more careful about the running through the street, and then into the garden as the location seems slightly relaxed for this kind of narrative.
Idents for films
Published by Alex Farnell under Alex, Planning, Research on 20:34this is the ident for dreamworks, as you can see it's colourful to relate to their target market of children. We need to relate our logo to our target audience so it fits in with our film. I like the sky as the background and the airy feel to it.
I have created two different idents:

I like this layout, i like the blood splattered style but i don't think you can see the word "films" well enough, i like the font because it matches with the backing of the blood but i'm not sure whether it fits the genre of our film.